Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Love You Forever by: Robert Munsch

Love You Forever was a book in my brother's library when we were children. I remembered it from then, but not well, and hadn't picked it up in well over 18 years. Then, a few weeks after the birth of my own son, a battered copy caught my eye in a second hand shop and I picked it up, remembering the book from my brother's shelf.

I didn't know that people will look at you oddly if you start sobbing for no apparent reason in the middle of an isle in a second hand shop. They do. I also didn't know that I wouldn't care, but would instead start kissing my new, sleeping baby boy on his little cheeks and thanking God for the little blessing I had in my cart.

Love You Forever will bring more tears if you look into where it originated. It started as a song that a man made up after he and his wife lost two babies at birth.

I'll love you forever.
I'll like you for always.
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be.
From that song was born a book that will be adored and treasured by any parent who has ever suffered a loss, but also by any parent, any grandparent, any great-grandparent...Anyone who has ever loved a child can understand and appreciate the simple song that still brings a tear to my eye every time I read it to my son.

Love you Forever follows a mother and her son on their journey. From the new bundle of joy she rocks in her arms, to the rough and tumble boy tracking mud through the house, to the teenager that she doesn't quite understand...Still the words of her simple lullaby ring true. She will love him forever and like him for always and for all of her life he will be her baby. 

As the boy grows, we get to see how his mother's love has effected and influenced him as he starts his own life and family. 

I have read this book to my son since that day I found it again in that second hand shop. From that time to this, every time I get to the part where I sing:
"I'll love you forever.
I'll like you for always." 
his little face lights up in the most beautiful smile! It is a book I recommend to every mother I talk to now, knowing how dear it is to my heart and how much joy I get sharing it with my son. Even on the nights we don't read the book, I always sing the song to him as I am putting him to sleep. Love You Forever is a staple in my home now. I hope it can be in yours as well.

If you are interested in more information about Love You Forever or its author, Robert Munsch and his other books, please visit his official site at

Thank you for reading.

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