Wednesday, February 10, 2010

About The Nook

Mama Bear's Book Nook is written in the hope that I can share  new books with parents and teachers like myself who are always on the lookout for a new, great book to bring into their homes and classrooms. 

I plan on spotlighting at least one new book a week, and blogging not only about the book, but about ways that the book can be used as a stepping stone into learning. It is my belief that every book can be stretched into a lesson plan, and lesson plans aren't something that are only used in the classroom. Art projects, cooking projects, math lessons...these are all things that can be done in the home as well.

Of course, I am the mother of a young child, so there will be some weeks that there is not as much written as others. There will probably even be weeks where there is no new Book in the Nook. For that I will apologize in advance, but anyone who has been the parent of a rapidly mobile child should understand. (Or the wife of a husband for that matter!)

If there are any books you would like to share or see reviewed, please let me know in my comments. I am always looking for something new to add to our family library!

Thank you for reading!

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